
The sheer number of Perennials available in the marketplace can be overwhelming to the new gardener (and to many experienced gardeners!). The purpose of Nomenclature is bring some order to the confusion and develop a system that allows people from all over the world to communicate about plants.

Botanical Names are given to plants in the classification system. Latin is used as the core language because of the universality of the language. All plants have a Botanical Name and many also have Common Names which have evolved over time.

Common Names are wonderful. How could we not enjoy and use names such as Black-Eyed Susan, Forget-Me-Nots, Hollyhocks, Bishop Weed and Skunk Cabbage? These names are dripping with lore and history as they are passed down through generations. The problems with Common Names are that quite often, the same name applies to multiple plants based on where the name originated. This makes it virtually impossible for gardeners to communicate with each other and be assured that they are discussing the same plant.

The system of Botanical Names assures the opportunity for communication about plants. The Botanical Name is presented as follows:

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